Fuel Price Protest Turns To Clash; 8 Students Arrested

9:26 AM Posted by National Liberation Party Of Unity (PAPERNAS)

by Ulfa Ilyas, an LMND activist

May 23; Semarang, Central Java - About 200 protesters from Students and People Accuse Front demonstrated in front of Central Java Provincial parliament in Semarang. The action front, consisted of LMND, GMNI, HMI, PMII, and KAMMI, protested against fuel price rise and condemn it as a form of imperialist interest in Indonesia.

Police blockaded protesters in front of the gate. Pushings between protesters and police caused some broken windows in the building. This resulted in a clash with police that attacked and beat protesters from People Accuse Front.

According to information from Hengky F Matan, LMND regional secretary-general, 8 protesters were arrested during the demonstration while many were injured after being kicked and dragged by police during the arrest.

Those who were arrested are Rahmat Sutopo (LMND Semarang Municipal Chairperson), Darmawan Iskandar (LMND Semarang Regional Chairperson), Ali (GMNI), Ruben (GMNI), Zen (PMII), Topik (PMII), Toni (PMII).

Realising that their friends were being taken away, protesters tried to block police truck that carried 8 arrested activists. But police managed to restrain them and some were injured from getting hit by the truck.


LMND - National Students' League for Democracy
GMNI - Indonesian Nationalist Students' Movement
PMII - Indonesian Moslem Students' Movement
KAMMI - Indonesian Moslem Students' United Action
HMI - Moslem Students' Association